Wednesday, July 06, 2005
Evicted from my own living room
A couple of days ago, my youngest daugher badly sprained her ankle. While her ankle is getting better, she is not up to navigating stairs just yet. So she has been sleeping in the living room instead of her room which is in the basement. And since she gets up really early to get to work by 6am, she has to go to sleep early as well. Which of course means that we have to vacate the living room by 10pm. Now, for someone who usually stays up until almost midnight every night and that spends most of that time on the computer, not being able to stay on the computer past 10pm puts a little cramp in my style.

Now, before you start feeling sorry for me (assuming that you were going to in the first place), I should say that coincidentally last week end I bought a wireless card for an old laptop that had been retired from the office. So, I am writing this while sitting up in bed on that laptop. I guess I cannot really complain since I am still online, but it is not the same.

Ummmm, I think I just come off as a crybaby. But hey, I have a routine that I like to follow and making changes to it is not my forte. So there.

I am glad however, that being able to avoid going up and down stairs is giving my daughter the opportunity to heal faster. I will grin and bear it - with just a little whining here.

Pretty quiet day at work today. Let's just say that if there ever is a good day to be sick, yesterday was it. A lot of our backups failed, and then they spent most of the day trying to figure out why. I'm just glad I missed all of it.

Those of you who follow my entries (Hello? Anyone there?) will know by now that Wednesdays are the days where we make changes to our backup servers. It would appear that today's changes went smoothly (knock on wood) as all the backups appeared to start on time. I guess we'll know for sure in the morning. They're not paying me to be on call so I am not checking until my regular work hours. So there!

Wow, a lot of whining today. I wonder what brought that on....

Oh well, goodnight all!
posted by Christian Thibodeau at 10:15 PM | Permalink |