Tuesday, June 27, 2006
Stayed home from work
I was not feeling very good this morning, even after my morning shower, so I decided that I would actually work from home. I think this was mostly due to the insufficient amount of sleep I have been getting these last few days. I have no one to blame but myself as I have been the one coming up with stuff to do every night and then the next thing I know it is almost 1am! Of course it is not anything important so I cannot even justify it.

I am going to try to curb this staying up way too late thing and I am starting now - which is why I am actually writing this from bed just after 11pm. And to make things even easier on me, my laptop probably has at the most another 30 minutes of power before it will shut itself off. Hopefully I will get at least 7 hours of sleep; I have been getting 6 or less these last few days. I will let you know how I do in tomorrow's entry.

Good night!
posted by Christian Thibodeau at 11:13 PM | Permalink |