Friday, June 16, 2006
I have been remiss
How quickly time flies. I cannot believe it has been almost 5 days since I last made an entry. Of course a lot has happened since then so I could have an excuse. As I mentioned in my previous entry, we are in the process of buying a house. Our offer has been accepted and we are now doing all the paperwork and tasks that need to take place when one buys a house. I should say right now that most of the work is being done by my wonderful wife. We have been putting our financial affairs in order and things will be much better from now on.

I now have a new computer (an Apple iMac) and have been spending most of my free time getting acquainted with it and trying to get all of my favourite applications installed. One of the last things I am doing is getting things set up so I can connect to the office - since I can get called during the off hours I always prefer trying to correct things from home instead of having to go in to the office.

Oh well, back to playing with my new toy(s)!

Good night!
posted by Christian Thibodeau at 11:58 PM | Permalink |