Friday, July 08, 2005
Early returns are great!
My older daughter was away on training all week and was supposed to come back around 11pm today (Friday Jul.8). Imagine my surprize to find out that she managed to catch an express bus and she was back in town by 5pm! It was great to be able to spend the evening with her and the rest of the family and be able to catch up on everything that has been happening to her and to the rest of the family. It has been a great evening!

Well the greatness of the evening was somewhat tempered by the fact that we found out when we got home that our cat had thrown up on our bed so a "good" time was had while changing all the sheets. We know it was an accident but she won't be able to have accidents in our room anymore as she is persona non grata in our room from now on.

The rest of the day was not bad. The day at the office was actually pretty good: no problems surfaced that we could not deal with and we actually solved a couple of minor problems. A good day anyway I look at it. I spend part of the day chatting with some of the guys at the office; something I had not done in a while. It is definitely something I should do more often because I enjoyed myself. I am pretty much a loner so I have to kind of force myself to engage in a conversation. Pretty much the same thing as always: I don't really know what to talk about. I watch my wife socialize and I just cannot fathom how she does it. It looks so easy to her but to me I just cannot seem to get the hang of it.

Allright, enough for tonight. Goodnight everyone!
posted by Christian Thibodeau at 10:26 PM | Permalink |