If you're an active union member, you are not going to like what I will be saying next.
The employees of Telus, members of the Telecommunication Workers Union (TWU), have gone on strike because their employer has decided to impose a settlement on their employees after 4 years of bargaining. I am not against them going on strike. What I am against is that it is very possible that the TWU will be picketing the building where I work tomorrow as they have offices in the building. And, because I am a member of the British Columbia Government Employees Union (BCGEU), I cannot cross their picket line. Which would mean that I would lose pay for something that is not my fight. It is one thing to go on strike over something you had control over, it is another entirely to forced off your work by something you had absolutely nothing to say about.
And don't get me started on the fact that the BCGEU got added to the contract that my employer cannot take measures against me if I avail myself of the right to refuse to cross the picket line, but if I decide not to avail myself of that right the union can take measures against me.
Okay, I have had my chance to vent. Good night!