This entry is the 100th for this blog. I would celebrate except for the fact that this occasion should have happened much earlier in the week. As I mention in my other blog, I thought that I had this daily blogging down - but obviously not.
There is not much to tell. I did work on work-related things today. We have been having trouble getting a backup of the NetBackup catalog lately. This is due to the fact that the catalog is now larger than what can fit on one tape, and NetBackup cannot handle a catalog that size. The problem, however, stems from the fact that the catalog has not been cleaned up for the last couple of weeks. It would appear that we have some corruption in the catalog which prevents the cleanup from completing. I was working on that today and it would appear I got half of it fixed. We had two hosts whose catalog entries were corrupt and I was able to fix one of them. I am hoping that once I fix the other one on Sunday the cleanup will complete and we will be able to get a good catalog backup.
Good night!