Wednesday, October 19, 2005
Trials and tribulations
I did end up going to work on Monday - although I should say I tried to go to work. There were pickets in front of my office building so I did not cross the picket line and went home. That was the day of the big union rally in front of the Parliament buildings. Just as I had thought, I got a letter from my employer today (all of us got one actually since we all refused to cross) saying that since I did not show up for work I would not get paid. Duh! Also, there is some vague reference about being subject to discipline if we refuse to cross again (apparently we cannot refuse to cross an illegal picket) but I have not been able to get an answer as to what kind of disciplinary action they are referring to. I certainly would like to be able to make an informed decision if there is another picket in front of the building.

Good night!
posted by Christian Thibodeau at 11:24 PM | Permalink |