I managed to give myself somewhat of a scare today. We were talking about having our cell phones while we were driving to pick my older daughter from work when I reached over to make sure mine was on and noticed that the phone, and its holder, was not on my belt. Trying to call it only managed to show that it was not in the car. Of course, I could not remember seeing my cell phone since early in the morning when I took it off the charger. By then it was 6 hours later and we had been all over town. We did find my phone when we got back home an hour later - it had fallen off of my belt when I was sitting at the living room table. Lucky for me! I had visions of never seeing that phone again - and of course I am in the first year of a three year contract.
I was going to say that I did not do much today, but that would be a lie. I, keeping my wife company, went many different places in town: grocery store, library, bookstore, Wal-Mart, drugstore, coffee shop to name a few (well most of them). And when I was not out and about I was either proofreading a slide presentation of putting another one together. Busy day I guess.
Good night!