Friday, November 11, 2005
Bus resets
Well this was an eventful day work wise. Yes, I had the day off as Remembrance Day is a statutory holiday here in British Columbia. However, there was a problem with a server (lost a couple of drives) and they needed one drive restored - and they could not wait until Monday. So I spent a good part of the morning starting and then monitoring the state of the restore so I could tell them when it was over. It was also then that I found out that there were a lot of bus resets on the tape drives. Enough of them that Netbackup downed most of the tape drives. That made for an interesting day as I was also trying to figure out why this was happening. I am afraid that I did not figure it out as it seems to still be happening tonight. Should be an interesting day tomorrow.

Well I better get to bed.

Good night!
posted by Christian Thibodeau at 11:58 PM | Permalink |