Saturday, October 29, 2005
Moving clocks back
"Fall back, spring forward"

Well since we are now in the Fall, I guess the clocks are being moved back an hour tonight. I always find it funny that people say "We get an extra hour of sleep!" where actually it is more like "I got to stay up an extra hour." So this is what I am doing (it is actually 1:25am [well 12:25 in new time]), using that extra hour to get a little more work done. By the way, you can sort of ignore the post time; if it is after Midnight I usually will set the time to 11:58pm so that it looks like the entry was made on the previous day since that is the day I am talking about in the blog.

I am checking the backups this weekend and it looks like we have more media servers that are misbehaving. Two of the media servers decided to freeze all the scratch tapes - which of course means that there is nothing left for everything else. Fortunately, it appears that I caught in early enough (and also that those servers begin their backups late enough) that not many clients were affected. Thank God for small favours!

Good night!
posted by Christian Thibodeau at 11:58 PM | Permalink |