Tuesday, November 08, 2005
I don't think I have been getting enough sleep so far this week. As you can see from the posting time of this entry, I am obviously not doing anything about it just yet... And I think my being tired is making it a little harder to find something to say.

Pretty boring day at the office. Another one of my co-workers has gotten a Blackberry; it has taken her less time than it did me to get the Blackberry and also to get the activation password. Either someone has it in for me or someone is trying to teach me something - I'm hoping for the latter myself.

For someone who used to read voraciously, I find it somewhat ironic that I have just had to renew, for the second time, this one paperback I am reading. Which means that I have been reading the same book for 6 weeks now - a paperback of that size would have lasted me maybe 3 hours before. Of course, reading was my main hobby then. Now I have many other things clamoring for a piece of my time. Oh well...

Good night!
posted by Christian Thibodeau at 11:25 PM | Permalink |