As I had feared, none of the things I did yesterday made an iota of difference in the backups last night. Those things had to be tried first, though. Just as many jobs failed as had failed the night before. Since I had been told that there did not seem to be any errors on the fabric side of things (all the tape drives are fibre attached), the only thing left to check was the robot itself. One of the drives had a tape stuck in it. Now usually I do not call for service on a weekend - after all that is only one of 24 drives - but since it was the drive through which we were talking to the robot I wanted to play it safe. So I opened a call with IBM and the Field Engineer came and replaced the drive. He also had to reset the library as, for some reason, the control panel on the front had become unresponsive. I do not know which of the two things fixed the bus reset problem, but something did. It is now 8 hours since the library was brought back on line, and I have yet to see a single bus reset (knock on wood).
The ladies of the family are singing in a women's choir, the Avalong Singers, and they are having their fall concert on Sunday. They are singing war songs since this year is the Year of the Veteran. I am looking forward to listening as I have been hearing parts of the songs sung around the house for the last month or so. Should be fun, hopefully....
Good night!