Thursday, November 17, 2005
Working from home
I woke up late this morning - an hour later than usual - so I decided to work from home instead of going in to the office. That is one of the great things about having broadband internet, I can work at home and everything is pretty much just as if I were at the office. The only bad thing is that my co-workers are not right next door, so I cannot just raise my voice and talk to them.

We drove my older daughter to the ferry tonight; she is going to San Francisco as part of the course she is taking. I hope she will have a great time. Her going out of the country reminds me that I have yet to renew my passport. I better get right on it.

I was going to say it was nice to spend the evening at home, but I guess I just forgot that I went to choir practice tonight. I have been doing a lot of overtime these last couple of weeks so it feels like I have not been home much. Since this is not my week to be on call, I expect that I will have more free time.

Good night!
posted by Christian Thibodeau at 11:18 PM | Permalink |