Wednesday, February 01, 2006
My new birth certificate has arrived! It took over 5 weeks to get here, and the main reason why I ordered it has come and gone (I needed to renew my passport as I was going to need it to go to the States for my mother-in-law's funeral). The fact that my passport has expired is still true, so I do need to get a new one anyway - it's just that the urgency has gone.

Today was another rest day. Went to bed at 1am and did not get out of bed until noon (with a 35 minutes jaunt out of bed at 5:25am to take my daughter to work). The only real work I have done today is getting extra keys made for the front door. We had to replace the lock as I had broken my key in the old lock - made it impossible for anyone but me to lock/unlock the door - kind of inconvenient for everyone.

For the rest of the time I pretty much vegetated in front of the computer. And that is where I am still right now. And I really should be in bed as I still have to get up a 5:25am (reason explained above) so I better sign off.

Good night!
posted by Christian Thibodeau at 11:59 PM | Permalink |