Thursday, January 26, 2006
The great trek of 2006 - Day Six
There was no entry yesterday as it was a day of rest and relaxation from the great trek. I spent a good part of that day playing a Star Wars video game on the XBox with my great-nephew. Needless to say, I was pretty hopeless in the game though and my nephew was quite gleeful every time he "killed" me.

Onto the trip. It took a little while to get back into the swing of things, but we ended up driving around 600 miles. The weather was quite a change tho'; we went from really nice sunny weather in Los Angeles (high of 19C) to rain and even a little bit of snow in the town of Yreka (low of 1C), still in California.

To make things more fun, I am coming down with a cold - so I had a headache for part of the trip. As the truck is not the most quiet vehicle on the road it was quite painful for a while. But after taking some medication things got better. I did end up going to bed pretty much as soon as we got into the hotel room.

The one thing I did not remember is how many mountain passes we have to go through in Northern California and Oregon. For some reason, I thought that all the mountain driving would be on our way to Los Angeles - I obviously thought that I-5 was closer to the coast than it actually is.

Good night!
posted by Christian Thibodeau at 7:38 PM | Permalink |