Monday, January 30, 2006
Everything has now been unloaded and stored
It took two days to do it, but we have finally completed the unloading and storing of all the furniture and effects that we had brought from down south. We did most of it on Sunday - including all of the heavy furniture - as we took advantage of the fact that my younger daughter was there to help us with the work (Thank you, Nikki!!).

All that was left to do this morning was to store the last of the boxes and then figure out how to move the motorized wheelchair from the back of the minivan onto the storage bay. At first we had thought would could lift it onto the storage bay, but the chair turned out to be too heavy. What we ended up doing was drive the chair into the U-Haul truck using the ramp, then move the ramp so it rested on the storage bay, and finally drive the chair to the storage bay.

Tomorrow has been declared a day of rest to give a chance for our weary bodies to recover.

Good day!
posted by Christian Thibodeau at 4:47 PM | Permalink |