Follow up on the new laptop: I decided that since Fedora Core 5 did not set up the wireless that I would install another distribution that does set it up. Since I have had good experiences with it in the past, I have decided to go ahead and install Ubuntu 6.06 LTS. The laptop now runs Ubuntu, but it was not without its tense moments. There was a period, after I deleted Fedora and before I installed Ubuntu, where the laptop would not boot at all. Which of course was due to the fact that I had deleted the partition where the boot code was located. Fortunately Ubuntu recognized the WinXP partition and included it in the boot menu. Tomorrow we go to the atrium with the laptop to see if it can actually attach itself to a wireless network (all the wireless in the employee areas are encrypted). If that does not work, I guess I will have to bring it home to see if I can get it to work at home.
Good night!
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