There has not been much to enter here as I have been very busy with the events that were taking place in our community. You can certainly read more about it in my other blog. That did not leave a lot of time for other activities. I actually spent the minimum amount of time I could get away with at the office for the latter part of last week so I could get the "Love Your City" stuff done.
Well there was not too much happening work wise during the weekend. There were 3 alerts opened over the weekend about downed drives. Only two of those were for real issues; the last one is most likely because the server was rebooted which made the reporting return a "clear" result which went away when the machine was rebooted. That server had trouble with drives before the weekend and still has trouble now; when our reporting environment saw that the drives were problematic again it opened another alert. Those can be dealt with on Monday. The other two were for real drive problems; but we still had enough operating drives that those would not be really missed and the resolution of the problems can also wait for Monday. It appears that we will have to call in the Sun/StorageTek engineer to come and clear the problems.
Tomorrow is the day I get my refreshed computers at the office; I cannot wait to see what I will be getting. Well actually I know what I will be getting - I am more curious of how much better those machines will be performing. I would expect my new desktop to be at least 3 times as fast as before - which apparently is the difference in performance that is noticeable; anything less and you do not really get a feeling that it is better - at least that is what I read somewhere. The laptop on the other hand will be like night and day. I have a very old laptop sitting on my desk just displaying one web page - that is pretty much all it is good for. The new laptop I will be getting is at least 10 times faster.
Good night!