Sunday, July 02, 2006
Safely arrived
For those of you watching at home, my daughter made it safely to Naramata. She said she did get lost a couple of times, but really all she did was have a little trouble finding the correct street as they were not marked as the map said they would. I think it is just great how she managed to find her way back onto the beaten path; that is a much better skill to have than just being able to blindly follow a map.

I have been appraised that today is "M-56", which basically means we will be moving into our new house in 56 days. Stay tuned here for the riveting countdown and for updates on the many plans being made to actually get us moved.

I feel so much more relaxed just knowing that I do not have to worry about going back to the office tomorrow morning. Since this Saturday was Canada Day (Happy belated 139th birthday Canada!), Monday is a statutory holiday for me and I get a three day weekend.

We went and bought the cable needed to get my MacBook connected to the overhead projector at church; and while I was there I also bought iWork'06. The main reason for doing that is that what I really need is a word processor and something to make presentations: Pages and Keynote do just that and at just over half the cost of Microsoft Office (Student Edition no less). I tested running a presentation from the MacBook at church this morning and everything worked just great! I particularly like the capability of being able to see the current and next slide on the laptop screen, and the presentation on the projector. The only thing I did not test (I did not want to hold anybody up as I did this testing after church) was to see about the screensaver - to see if it kicks in. I am going to have to look at how to turn that off if it actually does blank the screen (which is the screensaver I have currently).

Good night!
posted by Christian Thibodeau at 9:55 PM | Permalink |