Sunday, November 27, 2005
Busy day
Well Saturday was a pretty busy day. It started early around 9am and I spent most of the morning fixing and updating the slide presentation for the church service Sunday morning. Then it was off to church to set up the mixing console I have rented to try and give the church access to more microphones than the one there at the moment (this does not include the wireless mike the minister uses). As I should have known, the mike wiring at the church is exactly opposite to what it is on the mixing console so I had to go back to the store to get connectors to get everything working. Of course, one of the connectors I got (a last minute replacement since they did not have the one I needed) would not work - so the one mike that was on the podium would not work with the mixing console and had to be removed until I get the right connector.

Then after that we went and watched "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire". I enjoyed the movie even though they had to make some changes to the story for the sake of fitting the book in the time allotted. Still, very enjoyable. We then went out to have a bite to eat - not a whole lot since we were still full of popcorn.

Then it was back home to rest for a little while and then work on the slide presentation for the singsong at the church. And now it is time to update the blog and go to bed.

Good night!
posted by Christian Thibodeau at 1:10 AM | Permalink |