Wednesday, November 30, 2005
Worked from home
I acted like a big lazy bum today and stayed in bed until 9am. So since I was late already and did not want to be even later I decided to work from home. Of course, that meant I had to work later to get my regular work day in. Not really a great plan.

Other than that, a pretty uneventful day. My wife has been done almost two days now, and we have yet to go out to eat. That may not seem a big thing to you, but last time my wife went out of town we were eating out every meal. So a great improvement there.

Apparently my mother-in-law is "rallying" and is not doing as badly as before. It is a good thing, but that brings a different set of decisions to be made. I don't envy them. On the plus side, I got to chat with my wife today, so it was good.

Good night!
posted by Christian Thibodeau at 10:31 PM | Permalink |