Oh it is not that I did nothing today, it is just that I did most of it seated in front of the computer. I only went out of the house once, and it was because I needed to get some cat litter so I could refresh (wait for it) our cat's litter (No, really?). As usual I ended up with a few extra things, but that is pretty much par for the course.
Beef stir fry over angel(?) nest noodles. I am not sure that angel is the right word there, but whatever that word is, the end result was very good. There is none left.
I spend some of today working on this week's badges on Pogo. I have finished one and am half way done the other. Fortunately this week the chosen games are ones I do not mind playing. It would be safe to assume that I will spend some of tomorrow finishing that badge. You will know where to find me: sitting in front of the computer again.
Good night!