Wednesday, March 29, 2006
Looking at new looks
I have been thinking lately that my blogs are a little too bland. Now I know that the most important of the blog is not how it looks, but its contents. But there is nothing wrong with having your journal look good. Besides, this gives me a chance to learn about templates and stuff.

Since I had no meetings to go to last night, I spent the whole evening at home in front of the computer. It gave me a chance to just surf, which is something I do not get much of a chance to do anymore. It was a relaxing time, even though I ended up staying up later than I had anticipated. I was mentioning earlier that I would love it if the days were longer; but then I thought that I would probably still complain that the days are not long enough.

Tonight was another meeting at the church, so once again I was out for a good part of the evening. I did get a chance to eat dinner with my wife and daughter so that part was good.

Good night!
posted by Christian Thibodeau at 11:54 PM | Permalink |