Monday, August 22, 2005
Back in the grind
Monday, time to go back to work and take care of business. We survived the disk space scare - only a temporary reprieve though as it looks like a weekly cycle: it builds from Sunday morning to Thursday evening and then tapers off until a dramatic drop by Sunday morning. Unfortunately, the cycle is getting higher and higher in the percentage used. I would not be surprised that we would run out of disk space altogether by Thursday next week if nothing was done.

You will remember the rant I had on Friday about our bathroom and the lack work done then to fix it. It turned out to be a blessing in disguise: when I took my shower this morning, we had water leaking down in the kitchen. This indicated that there was something else leaking besides the potty. They were working on the floor today; they put a "leveler" compound on the floor and had to let is dry before they could lay the linoleum down. We spent the evening trying to fix the shower problem. It looks like some of the wall tiles had come loose and the water was running behind the tiles and then leaking down to the kitchen. I think we finally got the tiles glued in place. We are just waiting now for the glue to dry before grouting the tiles. Do I not sound knowledgeable? It is all a facade as I do not know half of this stuff. But it sounds good...

Not much else to report so I will bid all "Good night!"
posted by Christian Thibodeau at 11:22 PM | Permalink |