Today turned out to be a better day than I thought it would. Not that the disk space problem went away - but the level of urgency has gone down slightly to where we should be okay over the weekend. That should give me a chance to the get the battery fixed on the unit. That is a good thing because the battery is used for the disk cache which means that the unit works faster since data in cache is considered written to disk. That gives an application the impression that the data was written to disk much faster - which is a really good thing. When the battery does not work you cannot do that as the possibility of losing data if the unit loses power before the data is written to disk is very real (albeit remote).
Our townhouse complex management has managed to completely foul up their handling of our leak problem in the upstairs bathroom. We appraised them of the problem on Wednesday, they came on Thursday and tore everything apart as apparently the underlying wood was wet and something had to be done about it. They were supposed to come back today (Friday) to finish the job but no one showed up. When my wife called to find out what was going on she was told that it was a big job and that they did not have either the funds or the personnel to fix the problem! Our rent keeps going up but the level of service provided by the maintenance staff keeps going down; that is more a reflection on the management company rather than the people working here - as they are very nice people. It is just that it used to be if there was a problem they could not handle (this was years ago) they would call a professional immediately; now it seems like the complex manager has to get an okay for head office before he can do anything. Empower your employees, Nacel!
There is more to write about work - but I think I will save some for tomorrow.
Good night!