Sunday, August 14, 2005
Late night
Okay. I really should not still be up at this time of night on a Sunday, but I had to return the office laptops so I would not have to take them on the bus with me in the morning. I thought about having my older daughter bring them over when she went to work, but they really needed to be at the office for their intended use - however unlikely that might be.

There will have to be some research done tomorrow with regards to backup failures during the night of Saturday to Sunday. If I remember correctly, my co-worker reported the same thing in the email she sent me before leaving for her vacation. If that is the case, then we have a real problem as a lot of backups did not even try to run during the night. My job tomorrow will have to be to try and figure out what it was that prevented them from running. Should be interesting.

Otherwise a pretty uneventful day - church in the morning, spent most of the day on the computer and then watched "Constantine". Interesting enough, I enjoyed the movie - probably because it is very easy for me to get into the "suspension of disbelief". I just watch and not try to analyze.

Enough for tonight. Good night!
posted by Christian Thibodeau at 11:58 PM | Permalink |