Monday, August 01, 2005
BC day
Today was BC day - a statutory holiday at my place of work so I had the day off. I am sort of ashamed to say that it is pretty much all that BC day means to me: a day off. Besides the obvious "It a celebration about British Columbia" I know nothing about what exactly it is we're celebrating. I guess I should make it a point to find out. After all, I have been living in BC for over 30 years now; maybe I should make an effort to find out a little more about its holidays.

We did not use as many tapes last night - a mere 20. Which means that I did not have to go and stock up the tape robot with more tapes. That is a good thing as I am actually supposed to be on vacation this week - I just agreed to do the monitoring this weekend even though it was my coworker's turn so she could go out of town. At least I know what happened last week which I would not have known next weekend (and I get 3 hours of overtime instead of the usual two).

I spent most of the day in front of the computer - long enough that I actually got tired of doing it. I must confess I did not think that I would every get tired of sitting in front of a computer. Oh well, I wonder if tomorrow will be the same.

So really very little happened so I will close.

Good night!
posted by Christian Thibodeau at 11:40 PM | Permalink |