Monday, September 05, 2005
Still sick
Not much to say about that; I have been taking cold medication and I still do not feel too good. I hate to think how I would feel had I not taken the medication. I slept until noon and woke up with a headache (since the medicine had worn off). So I got up and took some more medication. If I feel as I do right now tomorrow, I will not be going to work.

For those of you who are planning your lives around my blog (like that happens) I should mention that the dates I gave for my son's visit are currently very tentative. He said that he only put those down since he had to put something there and that he will know more as the actual date approaches.

Once again I was riveted to the computer all day - helped by the fact that I did not feel like doing anything at all. I therefore stayed home whenever the family went out and stayed at the computer. On the positive side, I was able to finish the weekly challenges on Pogo. I must confess that getting the Jungle Gin badge goes a lot faster when you play another person that is after the same badge instead of just playing the computer.
posted by Christian Thibodeau at 7:22 PM | Permalink |