Thursday, September 01, 2005
Weekend can't come soon enough
I sometimes get the feeling that I am swimming against the current and losing ground with each stroke. For whatever reason, this is how I am feeling tonight. I can't wait for the weekend where I can relax, particularly considering that this weekend is a 3-day weekend so I get to relax on Monday for sure.

There isn't much particular to say about work; the Veritas consultant is here to do the second of two catalog merges. Once that is done, we will be ready to complete the re-deployment of the hardware that has been pending for quite a while now. Of course, there is still some stuff to be done, but this re-deployment will greatly increase the capacity of our main backup environment. I really need to get the disk replacement on our busiest backup server done before we run out of disk space and all kinds of bad things happen.

Looks like one of the power windows on the car has stopped working. Now that would not be too bad if the window had been closed when it happened; but no, it is half opened and with fall almost here we cannot leave it like that. One cannot help but wonder how much a replacement power window motor costs and how much it is to get it replaced....

Good night!
posted by Christian Thibodeau at 11:32 PM | Permalink |