Another non-hectic day today. Well it was a little hectic at church this morning when we were trying to make sure that the slide presentation for the service was actually there, but once that mini-crisis was over things were pretty much smooth sailing from then on.
I got to talk to my wife today - and she reiterated once again how hot it is down there. Whereas we have a temperature in the 50sF here, where she is it is in the 90sF. I have this feeling she will not even mind the rain when she comes back home. Only two more sleeps!
Forgot to take the laptop back to the office tonight (I usually take the laptop to the office on Sunday night so I don't have to lug it on the bus on Monday morning). Fortunately for me, my older daughter is working just after 10am tomorrow morning so I will just work from home for a couple of hours and then head to the office with the car.
Good night!