Ah the weekend. How I love thee. Saturdays have to be my favourite day - only because it is the one day of the week where I can sleep in. So sleep in I did. I did not get up until 10am, and then I immediately plopped myself in front of the computer and did not really move from there until we went out for lunch (we were going to eat in, but could not agree on one thing that we could all have).
I think I have recovered mostly from my cold, most likely because I have been getting more rest. So it would behoove me to go to bed at a decent hour tonight so I can keep up the getting more rest part. But knowing me, I probably will go to bed at some late hour (like 2am or something) - the only saving grace will be that if that happens, I do not have to get up on Sunday until 8:30am.
Chatted with my wife (Hi gorgeous!) on MSN today. Her sister and brother-in-law arrived safely but the airline did manage to misplace one of their suitcases. I hope that this will give my wife a chance to unwind a little bit - I think she was stressed out having to take care of her mom by herself. The great thing is that she is coming home on Tuesday. Yay!!!!
Well I better quit and go to bed.
Good night!