Monday, September 19, 2005
Quick update
Well I am supposed to have been in bed 90 minutes ago so this will be fast. This being Sunday the usual happened this morning: Church. The rest of the day was pretty much me sitting in front of the computer just reading mail, playing games on Pogo, and surfing the web. The only exceptions to that were the two car trips: one to take my older daughter to work, and one to bring her back home after work.

Well my second toe is definitely swollen and looks bruised, but it certainly did not prevent me from sleeping last night or from wearing regular shoes all day today. It does like to hurt from time to time to remind me of my less than elegant exit from the store (if you did not read yesterday - I kicked a planter that was right outside the door with my right foot).

Well tomorrow should be fun: it is the first day of a 5 day course in troubleshooting techniques for Veritas Netbackup. I guess I will be attending the course with less than my usual amount of sleep - and I cannot be late since it is a course that has a set start time.

Good night!
posted by Christian Thibodeau at 12:46 AM | Permalink |