Tuesday, July 04, 2006
Temporarily evicted
There has been work done on the windows of the building where I work for the last couple of weeks. They have now gotten around to my side of the building and, since my desk is next to a window, I have to move away from the window for the next couple of days so they can do their work . I spend part of this afternoon, about an hour actually, moving all of my computers to the office next to mine. The hardest part was to get network connections for all of my computers (3 of them at the moment) as the office I moved into has no live connections. Fortunately for me, since I only moved "next door" so to speak I was able to just extend my current connections to my new desk.

Less than 53 days 10 hours to the big move. In the quest to find great furniture for our new home, my wife found a hutch, curio cabinet and mirror that will fit very well with the new decor. The only bad thing was that they could not wait until the move to deliver so we will be "hosting" those new pieces of furniture in our garage until the big move.

Good night!
posted by Christian Thibodeau at 10:28 PM | Permalink |