Tuesday, August 08, 2006
One down, fourteen to go
First I should say that I had forgotten to publish my blog entry for yesterday; I had left it in my draft folder. So there are actually two new posts today: this one and yesterday's. I would not want anyone to miss my riveting prose (Ha!)

As I think I mentioned, my co-worker is on vacation for the next 3 weeks and today was day one of "Work without Elaine". I am glad to say that I have survived without much trouble. I do think however that things will get more interesting as days go by and more people realize that they have to talk to me instead of Elaine. Oh well.

I take my MacBook with me, and today I decided to try and see how hard it would be to get my MacBook onto the office wireless network. I expected to have quite a bit of trouble as the office network is encrypted and it had taken at least a couple of hours to get my work IBM Thinkpad set up to use the wireless network. Imagine my surprise (and glee!) when there was no set up required at all, all I had to do is enter my userid/password and voila! I am more and more impressed about my MacBook (and iMac too).

My wife seems to have caught whatever bug that kept my daughter at home sick for two days last week. My wife has been trying to keep working through her illness, but this particular bug seems to just sap all your energy if you try and exert any kind of effort. She has finally decided to give a chance for this illness to run its course while she rests.

Good night!
posted by Christian Thibodeau at 11:15 PM | Permalink |