Wednesday, August 02, 2006
Catching up on sleep
I have been having trouble getting enough sleep at night and finally on Tuesday morning my body decided to take matters into its own hands and catch up on all the sleep I have been missing. I managed to get up to take my daughter to work at 5:30am. As I have been doing most days, I went back to bed to get another hour and a half of sleep before getting up to go to work. Yesterday however, my body did not get back up until noon! When I finally woke up, I called in sick (well technically I emailed in sick).

Tuesday was break day as far as packing/cleaning was concerned (well mostly anyway). We are making good progress (and by we I really mean my wife) so we could afford to take a break (we == wife once again).

Good Day!
posted by Christian Thibodeau at 2:18 PM | Permalink |