Thursday, August 11, 2005
Computer problems
Well if something went well today, it was at work. I do not recall anything really newsworthy from my day at work, which must mean that nothing bad happened.

I wish I could say the same about the evening at home. Everything was going fine, until the point where I was reading my mail on the computer. I was trying to access one of the emails and the browser said that it could not access the web page. First I thought that maybe the router had frozen - which does happen sometimes. But my wife, on the other computer, was having no problems and it seemed that only my computer was affected. I power cycled the router anyway but it had no effect.

I have been having trouble rebooting that computer (the one I was using) so it has been running without interruption for 49 days. When I saw that nothing I did would change the fact I could not access the internet I decided to reboot the computer. That was 90 minutes ago, and the computer is still trying to boot. I had been putting off having the computer looked at until I had some spare cash - but it would appear that I can no longer wait. Although since my disposable income went to replace the starter on the car, it probably will have to wait anyway.

And to make matters worse, the laptop I am currently using to write this entry decided to become finicky and not boot up. It took me about 10 minutes to the thing to boot. I guess tonight is the night the computers have decided to get on my nerves. Unfortunately they're doing way too good a job of it.

It's now past my bedtime, but I do not think I am in the mood to rest at the moment. Particularly considering that all I want to do is drop kick the computer that is acting up. Oh well.....

Good night!
posted by Christian Thibodeau at 11:05 PM | Permalink |