Tuesday, August 09, 2005
The second day back
I could not help but wonder yesterday that I did not get as many messages as I should have gotten, particularly with all the "this server is no longer monitored, what do you want me to do with all the logs" messages I was getting every two hours while I was off. Anyway, it turns out that, because my computer was powered off for part of last week (Wednesday night to Monday morning), a lot of the messages I get every day got queued on the mail server with an ever increasing timeout value. So when my computer was turned back on Monday morning I got a lot of the messages - those with the shorter timeout value. The ones with the longer timeout value (about 3000 of them) showed up overnight and were waiting for me this morning. Needless to say, most of those got deleted unread (old reports that were no longer relevant).

I am still having to deal with daily issues (for example, we ran out of tapes in one of the robots in the middle of the afternoon even though there were 25 scratch tapes in the robot this morning) so I have not had much time to get to the project stuff. Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day for that. It better be, because the meetings about project stuff are about to start in earnest and I guess it would be good if I at least had an idea as to what the project was about.

Since I spent most of my day at work, there is not much to say on the home front. So I guess I will close now.

Good night!
posted by Christian Thibodeau at 9:19 PM | Permalink |