First day back at work. Besides having over a thousand messages to read to catch up (I deleted most of them without reading them) it would appear that very little got accomplished while I was away - which of course means that I now have to do it all while my co-worker is on vacation. Thanks to lawyers (ours or theirs - that's not really important) the consultant that was supposed to come over last week could not come as the lawyers had not signed off on the terms of the visit. Never mind that we have been trying to get this visit organized for months. It would also appear that all the hardware that was supposed to show up while I was away didn't - I guess now I will have to track that down. And tapes I sent over to our offsite robot might not have shown up - well they certainly did not get added to the robot while I was away - so it looks like we might run out of tapes tonight since the person I sent the tapes too is on vacation until tomorrow.
I did not get home until after 6pm, mostly because the backups that were supposed to start at 5pm did not start until after 6pm. And since I was the only one left at the office I stayed to make sure the backups did start. I was so miffed at having to stay late that I charged overtime for me staying. If the backups had started on time, I would have just gone home without charging but since I had to stay much later than I normally do I had no qualms in charging for it. If they do not like it I just will not stay late anymore and the backups can do whatever they want.
Good night!