As I mentioned yesterday, I got up at the crack of dawn to take my older daughter to the bus station. My wife came as well - which was an unexpected bonus. On the way back home, we stopped at the office to pick up the team laptop: we use the laptop for the PowerPoint slides during the church service. We then went through the drive-thru at McDonalds and got some breakfast that we ate when we got back home. Then we went back to sleep (7am) and I slept until 11am.
My younger daughter took us out for lunch at Wendy's, probably our favourite fast food place, (which was very good) and then I have spent most of the day on the computer, getting the slides ready for tomorrow's church service.
My wife made barbecued beef in the crockpot for dinner - another stupendous meal. Not much else to report besides talking on the phone to my older daughter who made it safely to her destination.
Good night!