Following up on yesterday's entry: we did finally get the disks swapped. Of course, it took a lot longer than I thought it would. It went like this: the original copy that I thought would take 24 hours only took 19. So when I was checking before 8am and saw that it was completed I decided to run the copy again so that we would catch the changes that had been made by the nightly backups. That went pretty well, and finished around 10:30, but failed to copy a couple of files because they were too large. Turned out that we needed a newer version of the rsync program.
After upgrading rsync, I re-ran the copy one more time this time to get the large files that were missed. That took until almost 2:30 as it found a lot of files that had changed while people were perusing their backups. So after shutting down Netbackup, I re-ran the copy one last time to make sure everything was the same. Of course, some more people had perused their backups and there were many more files that had changed (the files are kept in a compressed state to save space - and they were uncompressed to view - therefore they changed). The last copy did not complete until 5pm - which was an hour later than when we were supposed to be finished.
Because of other changes, we had to reboot the server - a couple of times it turned out - so it was almost 6pm by the time we got everything back in working order. There is still more to be done (I do not think we will ever be done) and we will try and get some of that work done tomorrow.
On the home side, not much to report. My younger daughter felt well enough to go to work today - although she said that she was not feeling good. My older daughter did not have to go to work today - a good thing because apparently she was feeling worse today than yesterday. She did go grocery shopping with my wife, but she said she enjoyed it. She probably tired herself out while shopping as she looked listless afterwards.
Good night!