Saturday, December 17, 2005
Busy Saturday
My wife and I managed to miss each other all day today. (For those just stumbling onto this blog, my wife is down south taking care of her dying mother). I did not get online this morning until about 11am (I had trouble going to sleep, it was 4am the last time I looked at the clock). My wife was not there at the time, and then just before 12:30 we left to go to the church to help with getting Wheeley Hall ready for the "Breakfast in Bethlehem" event which is to take place Sunday morning at 9:30. I was not back home until 4pm after dropping the girls off at Silvercity; my wife was marked as "Away from the computer" then. I worked on the Powerpoint presentation for church until it was time to go pick up the girls from the movie - they actually had gone to Wal-Mart. Met them there and did some minimal grocery shopping - then went out for dinner. Came back home just before 9pm only to find that my wife had tried to phone us just after 8pm. I guess we were not meant to communicate today. Still miss you and love you tons, though!!!

Not much else happened - I pretty much covered it all in the previous paragraph (which probably should be broken into multiple paragraphs - but I never deemed myself very good at grammar).

Good night!
posted by Christian Thibodeau at 11:45 PM | Permalink |