I had been bemoaning to myself the loss of the section at the bottom of the "Posting" screen where you could set the time for the post you were writing. You see, I sometimes end up writing my entry for a day after midnight, which means that it shows as being written the next day. With being able to set the time, I can make sure it shows up on the right day (as I am doing with this post which is actually being written after midnight).
So it turns out that there is an option at the bottom "Post and Comment Options" that was turned off. I clicked on it and turned it back on and Voila! the change time and date option is back. I am just wondering if that had been there all along and I just missed it...
As for today: well I went to the Doctor's office today as one of my prescriptions was running out and I had to get it renewed. I was glad to hear that my blood pressure was 124/80, which is lower than it has been in quite a while. So that was good to hear.
Work was very quiet again, as most people that could took the time between Christmas and New Year off. I have explained already why I (and my co-worker) could not so I will not bore you with those details. But the one good thing with work being quiet is that it is almost as good as being off. The having to get up is definitely the one part where it is not as good as being off.
Got to talk to my wife today; she sounded really tired. She was going to go to bed early and I am hoping that she will be able to get a good night's sleep. She can certainly use it. Love you, sweetie!
I am all by myself at home tonight as both of my daughters are out visiting friends - my younger daughter is staying over at her best friend's house and my older daughter is visiting her boyfriend and there is no telling when she will be back. If I had to guess I would say that I will be in bed before she comes back. It certainly makes for a very quiet house.
I got tired of not being able to print from my computer (and I also managed to mess up the Java game playing from Pogo) so I decided to try out another Linux distribution. I guess one of the good things about there being so many distributions is that if one does not work for you another just might. So I am now running PCLinuxOS, and so far the important things (printing and Java games) are working. I still have to install the Citrix client so I can work from home, but that is a project for later.
Good night!
When the house is quiet like that, I like to put music on really loud, and sing at the top of my lungs... now seeing as it was late and that was not an option I suggest remembering that Nikki is not around to surruptitiously film you, so go on and dance your heart out, Dad. Love you. R