After staying up until 1:30am to give a ride home to my older daughter, the lack of sleep caught up with me this morning and I felt like crap when I finally woke up at 9am. So I sent an email to work telling them I was not feeling well and was taking a sick day. I then spent the next 30 minutes exchanging emails with my co-worker who wanted to know this, that, and the other. I started by using my Blackberry to respond, but it soon became clear that she could type much faster on a keyboard and I was falling behind on my replies. So I fired up the laptop and got caught up that way. Which was a bad thing it turned out because I never got back to sleep but rather just aimlessly surfed the web until noon.
Since I was not going to get back to sleep, and I was feeling somewhat better, I decided to go downstairs and have lunch (chicken noodle soup). I then proceeded to waste the whole afternoon again aimlessly surfing the web.
I (technically we since all those here at home did) talked to my mother-in-law; she sounded so very tired when she talked and she also was slurring her words a little. But we did get to chat for a little while. Then we video-conferenced with my wife for an all too short conversation. She then went to bed.
And we went out to Boston Pizza to "celebrate" the fact that it was my older daughter's last evening with us for 3 months as she is going away on a course. It is of course great that she is continuing her education, but it will not stop the fact that she will be missed.
Good night!