Saturday, March 04, 2006
Slacking off
Looks like I have not been keeping up with my blogging those last few days. I basically boiled down to me not feeling like writing anything whenever I finally got finished doing whatever else I was doing. I was going to bed too late as it was already and did not want to make it later.

I have had a half-decent few days. At work, we seem to be catching with the backup workload now that we are no longer getting multiple tape errors every night. Actually, we have not been getting any for the last few days (knock on wood) and let's hope this continues. I was able to leave the weekend monitoring to someone else this weekend so I have not been thinking about work (too much).

I has been nice to be able to hang out with the family without having to worry about things at work. We have gone out for meals a few times (thanks to my tax refund) and have had a quiet time together.

Good night!
posted by Christian Thibodeau at 11:58 PM | Permalink |