I don't know that there is a lot to say about my day. I did not do much, besides going to church in the morning, taking the family out for lunch then doing a little shopping. Then came back at home and have been here since - except for a quick outing to get my older daughter back from her evening out.
Speaking of my older daughter, it was great to have her here for the weekend. She is going back to Naramata in the morning for the rest of Winter session. We will be driving her to the airport tomorrow morning. I am sad that she is leaving again, but it is only for just under a month this time.
A couple of days ago I talked about Bloglines. I have found another website that aggregates websites and blogs: Netvibes. It is another one that is very interesting. You might want to have a look to see if one of those would work for you.
I better close since I have to get up early in the morning.
Good night!