Thursday, May 11, 2006
Choir is fun
Something occurred to me when I was at choir tonight; we are doing stuff that we just hated doing with previous Music Directors, but somehow we enjoy doing them with Brooke. And by that I mean we go through every verse of every hymn that will be sung in the Sunday service. I think that is because with previous Directors it was always the same hymn, sung the same way; so why practice it? But because Brooke has not been exposed to any of the church music all the hymns are new to him and he gives them his own twist which makes them new all over again.

At work we have retained the service of a Veritas consultant to help us solve some persistent problems that we had not been able to solve, even by opening problem cases with Veritas. The guy that was sent was great, but unfortunately after being here for only 2 days he has had to return home to take care of some family problems. Veritas has sent another consultant, and while this is setting us back somewhat the first consultant has recommends the new consultant highly as they have worked together before.

There was not much time for dinner tonight as my older daughter was getting off work at 6:30pm and I was at the office until 6pm (making sure we would not run out of tapes overnight). So my wife and younger daughter came to pick us up and we went to the Mayfair Mall food court for dinner. My wife and I had Mexican food and my daughters New York Fries. Everyone seemed to enjoy their meal - I know I certainly did mine.

Good night!
posted by Christian Thibodeau at 11:58 PM | Permalink |