Monday, May 22, 2006
Who knew
I knew I had a fair amount of printed music lying around the house - mostly on the piano bench, but it was not until I was sorting it all out that I found out how much I really had. Not only that, but at least half of the music I had I am sure I had at least two copies of the music. So now the music is mostly put away in a binder I bought today just for that purpose; I only have a few pieces of music left lying around. I should be able to finish that off tomorrow. I also have a lot of printed lyrics that can be used to make transparencies for overhead projectors; and that does not include all the ones that I have kept in my music book. Sheesh! I have just realized that I have even more music in the music bag I use for the choir - I guess I get to tackle that mess later in the week.

I was able to sleep in this morning since it was Victoria Day today - a statutory holiday here in British Columbia (and most of the rest of Canada as well). So I got a much needed three day weekend. I could get used to those. Now I am feeling down, mostly I am sure because I have to go back to work tomorrow to all the complaints about failed backups. Unfortunately for me, backups is one of those areas where only perfection will do. Trying to be perfect all the time takes it toll; which is probably because most of the time we have to settle for the old "good enough for government work".

Good night!
posted by Christian Thibodeau at 11:51 PM | Permalink |