Monday, July 17, 2006
Fun with software
I spent a good part of my time at home today playing with the iWeb software that came pre-installed on my iMac. That is a really easy way to get a web site published. I am pleased with the end result to the point that I will let everyone have a look at it: The Empty Pew. Let me know what you think.

I have also been trying to see how I can use the Mac web browser, Safari, in my day to day activities on the web. So far, the only thing it does not seem to be able to handle is Blogger. I am using Firefox to do that.

A quiet day at work today, with just a dash of excitement to keep things from getting boring. One of our SATA disks went offline and a few of our backups failed. A quick reboot of the SATA by our Storage brothers and we were back in business. Hopefully that problem will not surface again any time soon.

Excellent roast pork and rice for dinner tonight. I ate entirely too much of the pork, and I will be taking the leftovers with me for lunch tomorrow.

Good night!
posted by Christian Thibodeau at 10:40 PM | Permalink |